This site is as close as we to have one connected and shared hive mind of information. We’re getting more and more integrated with knowledge sources as technology improves. To date, this still seems to be the most comprehensive source out there.
Easier and less involved than writing, I sometimes browse Wikipedia pages to get inspired. Procrastination can be pretty helpful sometimes!
Figured I’d share this short list, there are obviously more but here’s my mid-week gift to you.
List of inventors: This page lists inventors from around the world throughout history, categorized by field of invention. Maybe you’ll invent something of your own or you’ll be inspired to go down a rabbit hole of creation.
List of unusual articles: A collection of articles on unusual or obscure topics, this page ranges from bizarre natural phenomena to strange cultural practices. Certainly this will be fun.
List of artistic movements: I always come across artistic movements I’ve never heard of or don’t know about. There have been are countless throughout history across many art forms. This will pique your curiosity - bonus points if you have two windows up and can explore photos while reading about them.
List of unsolved problems: A little more complicated than the others - this page is a compilation of various unsolved problems across a range of fields, from mathematics and computer science to philosophy and biology. You can read through these and pretend you’re smart — that’s what I do.
There is probably enough content to last years in these few lists alone, not to mention the second-order finds, and so on. If you keep an eye on these pages, you might even notice that I come back to them in the future. It’ll be our little secret.
I’ll toss this in too:
Hope you enjoy this open-ended mid-week special. Go explore :)